About the Small Business Liaison Team

Introducing our new logo!

Linking you to people,
meet the Small Business Liaisons

The Small Business Liaison Team (SBLT) is a partnership of 29 state agencies working to improve access to regulatory information, education and agency resources for small business communities across the State of Washington.

Our Mission: We are listening to businesses, then driving action to make it easier to do business in the State of Washington. A primary goal of the SBLT is to have an informed small business community that understands what's needed to comply with the state's licensing and regulatory requirements.

The team was formalized and expanded in Executive Order 12-01. ORIA acts as the facilitator of SBLT. The SBLT develops outreach programs, solicit ideas for regulatory improvement and develop new business tools.

Our Vision

To establish Washington State as a leader in support, and empower small businesses to thrive.

Our Mission

Working together to provide the resources and know-how for small businesses to operate in Washington State.

Our Values

  • Education
  • Service Excellence
  • Consistency
  • Trust

Some of Our Actions
  • This Website

  • The Checklist for opening a business

  • The Small Business Guide

  • Updating, maintaining, and increasing the visibility of the Small Business Guide

  • Translations of the Small Business Guide (Spanish, Chinese, Korean, Vietnamese, Russian, Japanese, Somali, Somoana, Tagalog, and braille formats)

  • Participation in statewide business forums

  • Hosting presentations from state agencies and outside sources that provide services in support of small businesses

  • Two videos, prepared by the Washington Department of Labor and Industries, Employment Security and the Washington Department of Revenue in response to requests from business owners, with information on audits and taxes

Additionally, the team has collaborated with local and regional small business assistance centers and invited business owners to provide direct feedback to the SBLT on their experience working with state agencies.

Small Business Liaison Team (SBLT)